Introducing Hopscotch

Introducing Hopscotch

The easiest way to get paid onchain.

Permissionless & Trustless

Accept any ERC20 token

Powered by

Choose what you
want to receive.

Swap and send
all in one transaction.

As easy as

sending a link.

Pay links with any
ERC20 token.

Share it with anyone,

How can I pay you?

Pay me on Hopscotch

Low fees, even better
exchange rates.

Low fees, even better
exchange rates.

Dear everyone,

Dear everyone,

Paying with crypto sucks.

It shouldn’t — crypto’s magical. But it still feels scary to pay someone when there are no second chances. And exchange rates are constantly changing.

Imagine a world where you could get all of crypto’s magic: no banks, no middleman, no gatekeepers charging you to use your own money.

Where you can send a payment to anyone, anywhere, for anything, in any currency.

We did… and we’re excited to share it with you.

Money was meant to move, and we want to propel it forward.


The Hopscotch team.

Paying with crypto sucks.

It shouldn’t — crypto’s magical. But it still feels scary to pay someone when there are no second chances. And exchange rates are constantly changing.

Imagine a world where you could get all of crypto’s magic: no banks, no middleman, no gatekeepers charging you to use your own money.

Where you can send a payment to anyone, anywhere, for anything, in any currency.

We did… and we’re excited to share it with you.

Money was meant to move, and we want to propel it forward.


The Hopscotch team.

Paying with crypto sucks.

It shouldn’t — crypto’s magical. But it still feels scary to pay someone when there are no second chances. And exchange rates are constantly changing.

Imagine a world where you could get all of crypto’s magic: no banks, no middleman, no gatekeepers charging you to use your own money.

Where you can send a payment to anyone, anywhere, for anything, in any currency.

We did… and we’re excited to share it with you.

Money was meant to move, and we want to propel it forward.


The Hopscotch team.

Financial tools for everyone.